please don't copy my photographs there are mine and just mine

Monday, July 23, 2012

Me tomó 2 años volver a escribir en este blog. Quizá había perdido un poco la fe en la fotografía, quizá en el arte mismo. Hoy me doy cuenta, con un giro enorme en mi vida, descubriendo nuevos lugares, cruzand la mitad del mundo, en distintos aeropuertos, que el gusto por capturar instantes es algo que no puede morir. Es evidente que la fotografía en el viaje es mucho más atractiva que generar propuestas en tu país pues cada cosa nueva te incita a tomar memoria de ella. Sin embargo ¿Cómo renace el amor por la fotografía? ¿ Cómo puede alguien abandonarla por años y en unos días darse cuenta que le apasiona? Esta es mi teoría: La fotografía no es mas que selecciones de la realidad, de una realidad personal y de una realidad que desea hacer colectiva. Cuando uno fotografía no solo piensa en él, piensa en el placer que dará mostrar su foto. Si, si es un logro personal, una historia escondida y una selección de instantes que solo pueden vivir en el fotógrafo mismo. pero ¿cómo se puede explicar que el fotógrafo se siente más libre cuando sabe que lo que muestra va a ser de interés para más personas? Sabe que el sujeto que mostrará cautivará mucho más que alguien de su propio país. Eso es la fotografía de los viajes. Aunado a que se redescubre a si mismo. Al final de un día de tomar fotografías, al revisarlas, te das cuenta que tienen un hilo común, que hay una personalidad en tus selecciones y ese es tu ojo, tu selección de la realidad y que es independiente del lugar en donde estés. Esa es tu forma de capturar tu realidad. Lo mismo sucedería si en un día normal de tu vida sales a la calle, pero no te das esa oportunidad pues piensas que nada te va a sorprender. No es necesario un viaje para que la fotografía viva, pero si para mostrarte directo en tu cara lo que puedes crear con tan solo decidir reproducir una supuesta mímesis de la realidad. No hay nada mas extraordinario que esto. R. Barthes decía que es dolor, que es muerte. Pero sólo a través de la vida de algo, de celebrar la existencia podemos llegar al dolor y ver una imagen como un instante muerto. En mi caso, la fotografía de turismo, el ser un sujeto mas con cámara en sitios turísticos, me ha abierto de nuevo mi fascinación por celebrar la existencia misma y ver que la complejidad es la mejor de las imágenes. Creo que nunca perdí la fe, solo me decepcioné de mi selección, la vida no es la que le tiene que mostrar a un fotógrafo que tomar. El fotógrafo debe de ir a buscarla, eso diferencia a los amateurs de los profesionales. Y si, soy un amateur más pero con toda la intención de hacer de mi vida mi selección de momentos que cuando yo muera serán el dolor para alguien tal y como Barthes lo plantea. Incluyo aquí algunas de mis imágenes de la India. Las que me causaron mayor placer, las que considero personales y que me hacen sentir los suficientemente bien como para mostrarlas al mundo.

Friday, February 12, 2010

wanna it meat

These are probably one of the most shocking images I've ever seen! I love animals, I really do and to look at this is just breath taking. I eat animals in a regular basis and I can't call me an animal lover after eating them and looking at this pics.
I most say these are great images, although shocking and sad they come from a extraordinary photographer that has won the 3rd prize for the 2010 World Press Photo contest in the : Contemporary Issues category.
Tommaso Ausili took this images in Italy. You can take a look at his work in the website and also get to know the other winers that are without a doubt the best photojournalist out there.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New discoveries

So, I decided to do a little proyect. Everyday I will go wild on internet until I get to a amazing website or pics of a photographer I really really like, students, will be my target. Hope you enjoy the links.
Today I arrived to Garret Miller website and her is one of his pictures.

Monday, February 1, 2010

blind photographers

This is one of the photographs that you can find in blind photograpers. org. Originally posted by Lion42.
Are you aware this photograph has been taken by a blind or visually-impaired photographer?
Most of the time we believe that most blind people cant really see, but these guys are a showing that the human eye goes beyond what we think it can do.
Photography must set up a different story when it starts recognizing blind photographers art. The aesthetics of their work is quite similar to someone who has seen all her or his life. Therefore we have to revalue how do we think the aesthetics come in to our senses , since we have proclaimed for a long time it its by our eyes. take a look at these guys amazing work !!!
It sure shocked me.

Haiti: Out of the Ruins

Haiti: Out of the Ruins

one of, or the best photographer ever James Nachtwey on Haiti.
must see!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Project

Hi!!! I recently discovered this really incredible website Hitrecord:
made from a artist to promote artists. It's really really cool, right now theyr'e working for a proyection for SunDance and you can send your material and probably be a part of it.

The most important thing about this new projects, is that we are getting out of traditional medias of who are the artists and , how can the expose themselves and more importantly you don't have to impress anyone, you just have to be yourself, and that's what makes it more worth trying.
It's all about video, music, film, images, and text.
You work for yourself but you expose it to the whole world and the final product will be what you want it to be.
please try going into the site and try to be in a screen in Sundance.

and most importantly Check out my work!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

link to Haiti


I have always wondered why the biggest tragedies happen to the mos unfortunate people take Haiti now. I just hope that natural tragedies had a solution but lets face it, there's nothing we can really really do. Still the question remains, why always the poor people?
check this link to New York Times photos of Haiti, they say it all.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My own way of celebrating my Birthday:
Taking someone else's picture

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sales persons

New year, New work.

How is your project going?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

the last day of the rest of your life

Most people would write here all the good things that happened in their year or whatever love problem they had and has them in a terrible depresion. Anyway, this ain't may case, or the space for writting about it. Probably someone just had a shity year and thinks that if he or she (no sexism here) puts three hundred panties on at 12 a.m and goes running naked 30 kms, he or she will get whatever person they want the first day of 2010. Lets not lie to each other !! Love is not a thing we can fabricate, Im sorry to say that since im the number 1 fan of magic things. So we just have to wait (horrible thing to say, I know) until someone comes along (probably the one we hoped for last year) .
So, this is what I have to offer until you wait and hopefully some of this exercise will take some of your down time.
do you have a camera? even the one in your old cel phone works ! take it out and choose one hour of the day you know you are normally in movement i.e : taking the bus, driving, eating, bathing, etc. That hour that you know you are not gonna be watching your favorite show and it makes you look like you are dead.
now, you have the time? lets say 3 p.m for me. here comes the trick:
each day at 3.p.m for 30 days you are going to take your camera out and take a picture of whatever you are doing in that instant. As time goes by you will se in perspective that you aren't really the looser you thought you were, or if you find yourself having a boring life you can do something about it and in the worst of cases you can finally acept you need pshycriathic help!! Its normal to forget the point of this, but on January 30th, if you have been doing it you will write me back (if there's someone who actually reads my blog) post a comment and tell me how did it go.
Ill be doing the same.
Have a wichcraft magic and doggy new year's and see you tomorrow when the first ray of light of 2010 iluminates your pale skin and make you remember that nothing has changed but you can still create stories in your head!!
p.s: I post the link to a video of the Killers that has made me have a good time. enjoy!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

5 cms. menos

Summer in Paris

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009



Wednesday, August 19, 2009

link para video

video Rineke Dijkstra

Es mejor ver directo a la cámara o estar totalmente sin máscaras?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Después de pasar horas y horas leyendo "Camera Lucida" de Barthes me he dado cuenta que la muerte que menciona en su obra, aun con sus múltiples contradicciones, es verdaderamente la muerte fotográfica. Aun sabiendo que la imagen es sólo un testimonio de que algo existió y que puede acabar bien guardada en mi escritorio, he decidido olvidarme de la espera y la angustia de la catarsis de los espectadores, mandar Barthes al diablo por unos días y fotografiar todo aquello que pienso pueda darte a entender cómo la muerte fotográfica opera y cómo al mismo tiempo puedo mandar a Barthes al diablo.
Aquí al link por si te animas a leer lo que me está volviendo loca

Thursday, November 20, 2008

waiting for the bus

waiting for the bus

Esperando el camión de forma incorrecta.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Un poco de muerte, un poco de vida....

Cómo serán los últimos diez segundos de tu vida?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Masters of the anti-aesthetics war

La mutiplicación de imágenes en un mismo espacio dan sentido a la carencia del valor estético que se fundamenta en la homogeniedad y el moviemiento. La guerra, el bombardeo de imágenes no resta su calidad ni su valor; sino que construye una nueva presencia de nuestra forma de contemplar el arte anti-estético y contemporáneo

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Photograpy now

"Photography now challenges a traditional stereotype of photography: the idea of the lone photographer scavenging daily life, looking for the moment when a picture of great visual charge or intrigue appears into the photographic frame is dead. Attention is paid here to the degree to which the focus has been preconceived by the photorapher, a strategy designed not only to alter the way we think about our physical and social world but also to take that world into extraordinary dimensions."
Fragment taken from:The Photograph as Contemporary Art.
La lucha constante de un fotógrafo novato por encontrar un instante idílico que convertirá su click en arte, es hoy por hoy una de las peores estrategias en el mundo fotográfico. Lo que hoy se busca es una preconcepción de una idea estética generada por los medios, o en su contrario una batalla por representar el mundo cotidiano que en sí no tiene más sentido que el del movimiento apresurado.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Just a little bit of youth

Movement, color and happiness in fiction:

Postmodern plastic women.

light sharing

Three equals nine in our time

It's all about the light